
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Stretch, It's Important

Stretching is important. Many of us live sedentary lives. Commuting, sitting at a desk all day and then another long commute. By the time we get home many of us are feel achy just from a day on the job. Even if you don't work out or your not an athlete, stretching can still help you feel better. Stretching helps improve your flexibility, improve your blood flow and even improve your posture by lengthening  your muscles.  Stretching will keep your muscles and tendons healthy. We often overlook it but stretching can make a real difference in how you feel each and everyday. 

A  stretching routine will help you improve range of motion and as said before improve your flexibility. Take a few moments and look up some stretches on line, download a stretching app on your smart phone or take a look at my facebook page where I post a stretch of the day. Set a timer for once an hour and take a few minutes to do some basic stretching. If you sit at a desk all day get up and move around as much as possible. Take a walk around your office space and  do a few lunges.Your muscles will love you for it. 

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