
Friday, February 14, 2014

Ritual : Full Moon Intention

Each month when the moon is full I set intentions on what I want to create in my life. I have found this to be incredibly powerful. I make a short list of what I want to manifest and bring into my world. I think its helpful to keep the list short and do-able. Writing it down is a way to bring forth my own personal energy to those intentions and helps me to harness exactly what I want to come in. I keep this list available for me to see everyday. I also write them down in my day planner on the day of the full moon. I believe deeply that the universe wants to give you what you ask for.You just need to ask for it.  I check in on my list a few times a month to see where we are. If the universe and I are syncing at the end of the month.

Sometimes  I set an intention that  has not presented itself to me just yet. That can be discouraging but I really don't let it bother me too much. Everything is a work in progress, including myself and my intentions. It will present in the time its meant to. in divine timing.

This month on this Valentines full moon I set the intention to bring in:

 Love-  because we all need more of it. More hugs from friends, more kisses from my sons. I also want to make sure I am giving more love to the people in my world. Sending a friend a text to let them know I appreciate them.

Happiness- I was feeling down in the dumps for a couple of weeks. I really checked myself recently and thought this is not the way to be. You must create happiness and choose to be happy each day. You will live with yourself your whole life. Forgive yourself if you must and just be happy. Technically, after much consideration I have nothing to forgive myself for most recently but I still want to make sure I ask for it so it showers down on me in everything I do.

Healing- Life is full of boo boos. We get knocked down by big things and by small things that we never thought would harm us. But they can and they do. Often, you need to be the person that kisses your own boo boo and give yourself permission to heal. I'm setting time aside as much as possible this month to take time out for me.Practice yoga, meditate, perform reiki on myself, chant, eat clean, journal and sleep.

Do you set intentions often? Try doing so when the universe is full and bright with the full moon energy and see what magic and change come your way.

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